How ?

This vast program will include several activities that follow our world church evangelization process: Global TMI: Prepare, Plant, Cultivate, Harvest, Preserve.

These are activities expected:

1: Promotion in all churches by: video, social media, announcement, Posters, handbills, billboard, flex etc…


1.Prayers meeting programs in all churches and institutions

2.Preaching on the program. Exchange of chairs and organization of revival programs in every churches.

3. Recruitment of all Volunteers for all sites

4. Promotion of the Activity through all communication means: Social medias, Bulletins, short video, Web sites etc…

5. Establish training and Visitation team to coordinate the Revival

6. Produce resource Material for the program: Bible Studies, Small groups, Online resources, Digital Resources

Orientation and Awareness for Union administrators and department directors, institutional administrators.  WAD Administration
Orientation and Awareness for Conference administrators and department directors, Field PastorsUNIONS – SSPM
Training and Orientation for local church leaders, local institutions.  Local Conference.
Trainings of members : Visitation, Contacts, Bible studies,SSPM WAD, Unions, Conference Ministerial
Practical training of Members in Adventist Muslim RelationAMR GC, WAD, Unions, Fields.
Practical training in Adventist Traditional Religion RelationWAD ATR Center
Seminars on Digital EvangelismWAD COM, Union, Fields
Seminar on Health MinistriesWAD HM, Union, Fields
Seminar on Small groups ministriesSSPM, Ministerial, Union, Fields
Found raisingAdministration : WAD, Unions, Fields
Seminar on Ministry based activities for outreachSSPM, WM, Youth Min, Family Min,  

Out Reach

Engage all members in Building friendship by having a list of 5 Persons each on their PM Card, Organize health Expo programs, Community programs with Youth. Participate in community’s activities (free labor by professionals, artisans, medical workers, teachers etc.)

P- where you get your pay (workplace)
P- Where you play (recreation/Sports, context)
P- where you pray (fellowship groups, neighborhood)
S- Where you stay (neighborhood)

Literature distribution, Book of the Year distribution, Personal invitation, Building of relations

Look for opportunities to engage the prospects in Bible studies. (Digital, personal, groups, churches etc…)

Harvest. All the 13 000 sites should be implicating in reaping campaigns to baptize 200,000 new souls.
Public campaigns, Online  

Preserve. Involve in church activities,
Discipleship training of all new members using materiel like the profile series and other available materials.
Building new Church Buildings where necessary.
Adoption of new members
Spiritual Gift development.

Systematic training organized all over the Division physical and virtual